JSM 2009 Paris
GDR Sémantique et Modélisation
Université Paris 7
Practical Info

The GDR Sémantique et Modélisation (CNRS) and the UMR 7110 (CNRS & University Paris Diderot-Paris 7) organize the seventh edition of the Conference on Semantics and Modelisation (JSM09). The conference will be held in Paris, on April 9-10, 2009.

The goal of the conference is to promote research on the formalisation of linguistic meaning and interpretation with the help of formal models. In view of the development of corpus-based research in semantics and related fields, proposals articulating the use of corpora and representational problems in semantics and pragmatics are particularly welcome.

We invite abstracts that address any problem in the modelling of linguistic meaning and interpretation. This includes but is not limited to the following topics: Conference languages

French and English

Invited Speakers
Organizing Commitee
Scientific Committee Contact

jsm09{at}free.fr (replace {at} with @ in the address)